Earth Day

Earth is special to us so we need to protect it.                                     April 22 is earth day.                                                                             Recycle do not throw it in the trash.                                                     Time to do something go plant trees,flowers,pick up trash.                 How Do you protect the earth Recycle.                                               Do what is good for the earth.                                                             Animals and plants are cool protect them.                                           You could change world and one last thing make every day earth day.       Happy Earth Day

Child Labor

Child Labor was a good thing and bad thing at the same time because children did not have the way to go to school.They did get paid but not much,people started to know how bad child labor is.Children did not know much about spelling,math,writing  they just got up out of bed in the morning at sunrise and work till sundown,they only got paid  2.00 a week and did not eat much.child labor has ended for america but,other parts of the world is still making children work with no pay.