The Path of The 6th Graders

Going into 6th grade might be hard, but it’s not as complex as you think. My two pieces of advice I have for incoming 6th graders is to have your supplies and to be open to make friends.
  When you walk into a math class or history class and you have never seen the teacher and then out of the blue you’re taking an exam without a pencil and Then You search your backpack and pockets. Then before you know it you’re failing with a 36 in math class. So I think it’s best to just bring your supplies. You won’t have to beg others for a pencil and paper. Just bring your supplies.
  The first day of school and you know nobody and then you just go on and just stand in the corner. Well I can tell you that you aren’t going to get any friends that way. It is very unrelenting to go through school not to mention middle school. Be careful with making the wrong friends, because they could tempt you into doing bad things. Just try to make friends.
  Going into 6th grade might be hard,but it’s not as hard as you might think. My two pieces of advice I have for incoming 6th graders is to have your supplies and to be open to make friends. If you follow these steps it won’t be as hard as you think.