Water Hydrilla, Zebra mussels, and giant Salvinia. They all have one thing in common to “to take over” . They have already taken over 80% of lakes in Texas, but I don’t think I’m ready to put the white flag up just yet. Mutated Weevils and Clean,dry, and drain are two solutions that will best ensure aquatic plants to have positive effect on East Texas Ecosystem.
Aquatic-water,invasive-Coming over here that are not native,Native-Where they grow their habitat, and Exotic-From a distant place. Invasive species take over everything in their path.”Invasive species can kill a lake and giant Salvinia is the worst of the lot capable of doubling its coverage in less than a week”chemicals,spraying, and detection there are many solutions, but they are just not working, but if we can put the old solutions behind us and get ones that work.
One way to stop invasive species is to give weevils hormones because they have been working in the past,but not enough so if we give them hormones and let them grow they can eat more giant
Salvinia.”Universities are working on biocontrol’s expand them” this will make them very big and eat more. “Scientist have been working to give weevils hormones” so they can help more.
Another way is to clean,dry, and drain your boat.”In Texas if you get caught with invasive species on your boat the consequence can be up to $2,000 and 180 days in jail” the consequence is bad because the invasive species can spread very quickly. “If you get a ticket from the game warden, it can be up to $500” The Game Wardens try to make it to where you clean your boat.
Mutated Weevils and clean,dry, and drain your boat are the two best solutions to provide a positive outcome on East Texas Ecosystem. Just think if you don’t help who will? The time is now and we need every soldier fighting on the battle ground, because it’s not over yet, but who are you going to help??