Amendment three bill of rights Mothers and fathers of homes will not be quartered Enemy and friends will not stay in peoples homes if the people don’t want to no people liked to be quartered they have rights December 15,1791 was when it was ratified many people,all people have rights easy to think it wont happen but go back in war time no soldiers shall be quartered time will change but we will have the bill of rights trying to form a new goverment was hard hard to make the bill of rights but it happened rights people have rights people have the bill of rights effort it took to get it right each person signed if they were a part of it
The American Revolution was because, The king was giving people permission to go to america. The king started to get real mean and started to tax people.Many people did not want to pay their taxes and the king made sure they did the british was a army of thousands of man they wore red coats. many poeple wre attacked by the red coats many people fought back and, then it lead to the boston massecure. many people died.Their was a group militia they had guns soon George Washington our commander and chief once led a army they lost many and won some they were good but,not as good as the British the British had thousands and thousands of man and they were a really good trained army they were better than the Americans by just a little.The last battle was at Bunker hill and we won and the french helped us and the British finally gave up and we won,then they signed peace they were one country they were the other.